Wednesday, March 23, 2016

G&G Pops the Hood Part 1

Not many people take a look under the hood these days. That seems odd to me since I was taught to keep an eye on fluid levels and check for obvious problems.  I know cars are generally more dependable and longer lasting now but if you run that car out of oil or coolant you will still end up with a major repair problem. I want you to know your way around your car. Let's start with opening the hood.
Most cars have a hood release under the dash that you pull to release the hood latch. 

When you pull the release you are pulling a cable attached to the hood latch. The cable pulls the latch release and a loaded hood spring can then let the hood pop up. 

If the hood release doesn't work as described you probably need some lubrication of the latch. Bump the hood with your hand and/or just grab under the front and pull up. 

Once released, the hood should spring up enough to engage the safety catch. The safety catch is usually a hook that must be released before the hood will open fully.

You may need to both feel and look for the release to see how it works on your car but it isn't usually difficult. Once you have the hood open you need hood support. There are various types of hood support but all are there to keep the hood from crashing back down when you let go after raising it. 
There are hood support rods on some cars. Basically metal rods that prop the hood up. 

Some people choose a custom design.

There are hydraulic supports.

If your hood uses these and you don't feel them helping to raise the hood they need replaced. Or, use the custom broom handle method. 

Kenneth Hayes
G&G Auto Repair

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